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Action Maps

Below are two action maps I developed after interviewing a two sets of subject matter experts. The first is an action map that details the various ways to design and plan out an apple orchard, while the second details the various reasons why majoring or minoring in English is a sound investment. Both were used in the process of developing marketing and educational materials, both of which can be viewed in my portfolio. 

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Apple Orchard Design
Action Map

This is an action map I created after interviewing several SMEs and performing further research. It was made in order to help me develop an infographic which would teach backyard horticulturalists how to design and plan out their own orchard.

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UWRF English Department Action Map

This is an action map I created for the UWRF English, TESOL, and Modern Languages Department after interviewing several SMEs and performing further research. It was made in order to help me develop further marketing and educational materials that would work to convince students and their parents than an English degree is a worthwhile investment.

I am currently seeking new employment. Please reach out if it looks like I can help!

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